
Founder, Inventor, Crypto- and Cyber- security expert, System and Software Architect
I’m always open to new contacts, ideas and initiatives.
If you have interesting information, idea, proposition, or I can help you, don’t hesitate to contact me.
November 11, 2024
Periods When to Make Money: Fact-Checking Samuel Benner’s Timeless Market Cycle Theory
Samuel Benner’s market cycle theory, dating back to the 1870s, still resonates today. It’s a reminder that while no one can predict every market fluctuation, there are patterns that emerge over time.
November 5, 2024
How a Calculator and a VW Bus Launched Apple
November 5, 2024
How a Calculator and a VW Bus Launched Apple
The story of Apple is one of vision, risk, and resilience. From selling a Volkswagen bus and a calculator to fund their first venture, to building a multi-billion-dollar tech empire
November 1, 2024
The 18 Game-Changing Arenas for the Future – And Why We Might Not Survive Their Impact
The latest McKinsey report outlines 18 high-impact arenas with a potential combined revenue of $29 to $48 trillion by 2040, possibly comprising up to 16% of global GDP. It predicts an era of transformative innovation across sectors like AI and biotech, where disruption becomes the norm.
October 31, 2024
Too Old for a Startup? Think Again.
October 31, 2024
Too Old for a Startup? Think Again.
People idolize the myth of the young prodigy changing the world in college, but the ideal age to start a startup isn’t 22 or even 32. It’s when you've spent enough years in the real world to understand what needs fixing—often at 40 or older.
October 28, 2024
From Email to Empire: How YouTube’s Bold Vision Became a Reality
October 28, 2024
From Email to Empire: How YouTube’s Bold Vision Became a Reality
In 2005, YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim proposed a revolutionary idea via email: a dedicated video platform that could become "HUGE if executed right." This vision would ultimately transform into one of digital history's most influential platforms.

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