Evgen verzun
November 22, 2018
Amazon “Delivers” Customer Emails For All To See Due To ‘Technical Error’

Amazon revealed that a ‘technical error’ exposed customers’ email addresses.
They already emailed about customers with this information.
Amazon confirmed “that it had been fixed and that all affected customers had been informed”: “Our website inadvertently disclosed your email address due to a technical error. This is not a result of anything you have done, and there is no need for you to change your password or take any other action.”
It sounds a bit(?) outrageous, don’t you think so?
Twitter users complained “that it appeared like a phishing email because of inconsistencies. For example, it’s not personalized and is signed off with “http://Amazon.com” — which is an insecure site, with an unusually capped “A.”
Bad news is it happened right on Thanksgiving holidays.
Guess, Black Friday has never been so “black” in terms of privacy violation.
And questions that asked one user – @PogoWasRight- at Tweeter “To whom was it (email address) exposed? The whole world?” remain open.
Unlike the contents of previous email, it is strictly recommended you to change your password now and then.
And, of course, to take actions on protecting your emails. For instance, the first one for you to take is to go to StealthMail.com and find out about the best-in-class email security and data privacy solution.